Learning any guitar chords can be incredibly difficult, but some are definitely more difficult than others. For instance, the dreaded F chord is able to strike fear in many amateur guitar players.
However, with enough practice and dedication, it is possible to conquer even the most troublesome guitar chords.

Are you looking to conquer the G chord on your guitar? That’s great, and it can definitely be done with enough practice.
The only problem is, how do you decide between the many different forms of G chord? Which of these versions of the chord is the true and correct one? And how do you perform each of these versions?
If you’re struggling to even get started with the G chord, then you’ve come to the perfect place.
Today, we will be taking an in-depth look into the chord to find out which version of it is the true and correct version, and which version you should try and use.
Read Which G Chord Is Right on below to find out for yourself!
What G Chord Is Correct?
Unfortunately, the answer to this question may prove to be slightly unsatisfying for some.
There is no definitive ‘correct’ version of the G chord, as each one is just as valid as the last. But don’t worry, that does not mean that you will be left needing to learn all of the many versions of the G chord.
Your choice of G chord will depend entirely on which version is easiest for you to play.
If you are a beginner guitarist, then you probably want to stick with the simplest form of the chord. But which versions are easiest, and which ones are more difficult?
Let’s take a look at each version of the guitar G chord now.
G Major – The Three Finger G Chord Method
The first version of the G chord that we will explore is the three-finger method. This method is great for beginners, as it requires very little skill or dexterity.
It also allows you to focus on learning the notes rather than trying to figure out which finger goes where.
Learning to play this version of the G Major Guitar chords are very easy. To start with, you will want to take your index finger and place it onto the fifth string up, and push it down into the second fret.
Then, you need to take your middle finger, place that firmly on the sixth string up, and push it down into the third fret.
Finally, this version of G Major also employs the use of your pinky finger, to allow you to reach across the entire width of the neck.
Place your pinky finger onto the first string up and push it down into the third fret.
Once your fingers are in place, you can then strum all six strings to create a satisfying G chord.
G Major – The Four Finger G Chord Method
Another fantastic method, though one that takes a little more practice and skill, is the 4 finger g chord method.
This method employs the full use of all of your fingers to get a full-bodied G Major chord that sounds deeply satisfying.
This chord may take some getting used to, especially for beginner guitarists, and thus it is important to exercise patience while trying it out.
Learning to use all four fingers while playing can be difficult at first, but it leads to a much richer sound.
To start off, take your index finger, place it onto the fifth string, and push it into the second fret. Then, take your middle finger and place it atop the sixth string, and then push it into the third fret.
Your middle finger will be placed onto the second string, also within the third fret, while the pinky finger will be placed onto the first string in the third fret.
Again, this chord requires that all six strings be strummed at the same time, and this leads to a very rich G Major note that sounds totally amazing as part of a larger musical piece.
G Major – The One Finger G Chord Method
If you’re finding it incredibly difficult to implement either the three or four-finger methods, then don’t worry, you can still play the immensely beautiful G Major chord using another, much easier, method.
This method is perfect for beginners as well as intermediate players who just want to add a bit of variety to their repertoire.
The only difference between this version of the Guitar G chord and those above is that you’ll be employing only one finger to play the chord, while this may lead to a slightly less rich sound, it by no means is an invalid method.
In order to pull this method off, take your index finger and place it onto the first string, within the third fret. In order for the chord to sound just right, you will need to ensure that you only strum the bottom four strings.
This is because the lack of the fifth and sixth strings helps to compensate for there being fewer fingers used to achieve the chord.
If you were to include those two strings, then the chord would sound very unusual and very unsatisfying.
The Open G Chord Method
One other option you could try requires a little more preparation beforehand, and changes the entire sound of your guitar, but is technically the easiest method to help you to achieve the right sound.
The Open G chord method requires that you tune your guitar in a specific way to achieve a perfect G chord sound without having to touch any of the strings.
In order to achieve this, you need to change the tuning on the first, fifth, and sixth strings. The second, third, and fourth strings should stay with their original tunings.
The first string should be tuned to ‘D’, the fifth should be tuned to ‘G’, and the sixth string should be tuned to ‘D’.
Of course, though this method makes it incredibly easy to achieve a G chord, it subsequently changes the dynamic of the entire guitar and requires that you play it in a very different way in order to achieve all other chords.
However, this has led to a sizable community of guitar players who actually have developed a love for open G chord tuning, as it is able to create a very rich and soulful sound that can easily be applied to many pieces of music.
For instance, folk music and classic rock have been known to implement the open G chord method to create some of the most iconic songs ever, such as Brown Sugar by The Rolling Stones.
This method is perfect if you are looking to learn how to play the G major chord, but also want to explore the world of open G chord tuning.
It’s not something that everyone can do, but if you’ve got the patience and dedication to work through it, then you might find yourself playing some amazing tunes!
What Is The Hardest G Chord To Play On Guitar?

It would be extremely difficult to claim that any method for achieving the G chord is definitively the ‘hardest’. However, there are a few methods that prove to be immensely difficult.
One of the most difficult methods for achieving the G chord is the barre method.
This method makes use of the barre technique, which involves your index finger pressing down on multiple strings at the same time to achieve a specific type of sound.
The barre method for the G chord requires that your index finger press down on the first, second, and sixth strings simultaneously, while leaving the fourth and fifth strings untouched.
Such positioning proves to be difficult even for some of the most skilled and experienced guitarists.
To make the positioning even more difficult to achieve, this method also requires that your middle, ring, and pinky fingers also be used in very distinct positions that require a lot of flexibility.
This makes this easily one of the most difficult methods for achieving the G chord.
However, though this version of the G chord can certainly create a rich sound, it is not altogether too different from many of the other methods, and thus, if you are having significant trouble with the chord, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, as it is not crucial.
Which Version Of The G Chord Is Best?
So, while it may be largely impossible to claim that any method for achieving the G chord is “right”, surely there must be one method for achieving it that sounds best right?
If you are looking to create a G chord that is full-bodied and has an incredibly rich sound, then technically some of the more difficult methods, which involve four fingers, are best.
Such versions of the chord implement all of the strings with each string having its own unique sound. This helps to create a fuller and richer sound than simply using three or four strings.
However, if you’re looking for something that’s a little easier to learn, then perhaps the simpler methods are better suited for you. For example, one of the methods that employs fewer fingers.
In the heat of a complex piece of music, you may not have the time to take up the intricate g chord guitar finger position of a more complex G chord, and thus any other method will more than suffice.
Most people that are hearing the music you are playing will not be able to distinguish between a more complex G chord and a more simple G chord as you play.
To Conclude
Playing the G chord can be quite difficult, and it is made slightly more difficult thanks to the fact that there are multiple ways to achieve it.
Even we have only scratched the surface of the many methods to achieve the G chord, and thus this makes the chord very daunting to learn.
While there is no official “correct” method for playing the G chord, some are definitely easier than others, and yet still provide a full and satisfying sound.
Thus, if you are a beginner in the world of the guitar, then you should make a point of learning such methods!
No matter which method you use, however, each one is equally as valid as the last, and when used as part of larger musical pieces, they will sound perfectly great.
I hopefully anwsered the Which G Chord Is Right For You.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Can I Play Instead Of G Chord?
Because guitar chords make use of distinct musical notes to be created, you can instead make use of an E Minor chord to achieve a similar sound, without having to use the exact same method.
A G chord is made up of the notes G, B, and D. The E Minor chord is made up of the notes E, G, and B.
Thus the two can be used interchangeably in some cases, and still produce very similar sounds, and thus they can be used in a multitude of musical pieces.
Is The G Chord Hard?
Technically speaking, the G chord does prove to be quite a challenge, especially to less skilled guitar players.
This is because of the fact that many methods used to achieve it require a lot of flexibility within the hands.
However, there are plenty of other, much easier methods for achieving the G chord on guitar, so in some cases, the G chord can actually be a lot easier than you may initially expect.
Is G Higher Than F?
Yes. The G chord sounds much higher in pitch than the F chord, as it has a much higher frequency. This means that it is also harder to reach and thus requires a bit more effort.
What Guitar Scales Can I Use to Learn the G Chord?
Because guitar scales are an excellent way to advance your skills, it’s always best to know what scales to play with the G chord. The common scales with G chord notes to use are;
The G major pentatonic scale – it’s the standard G scale with G, A, B, C, D, E, and F# notes.
The G minor pentatonic scale – has the G, A, B flat, C, D, E flat, and F notes.
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My name is Howard Matthews and I have been playing the guitar since I was knee-high. My parents like to joke that I was pulling the strings even before I was born. In fact, one of my earliest memories is sitting on the couch with my dad’s guitar, wreaking havoc on the chords.
Now, 40 years later, I can attest that I play them much better than I did back then. I have followed in the footsteps of both my parents – much to their delight – and have been the main guitarist in my band for the best part of three decades.
Music has always been my passion, and until recently my life has been so consumed with it that I haven’t had a moment to have a breath (and I wouldn’t have it any other way)!